VIBES - 360° makes the Guinness World Record – Another Victory in the House of DreamZone

It gives us immense pleasure to announce that our fashion show VIBES- 360° made a GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDs for "The Most Designers to present in a single continuous fashion show" were 357 Designers on-board. This Event offered an incredible opportunity for the upcoming designers to connect and affiliate themselves with the industry experts.

Apart from this grand achievement, we were bestowed with two more Unique World Record for:

  • The longest uninterrupted fashion show that lasted for 25 hours 10 minutes
  • A maximum number of designers (357 Designers) showcasing 1205 creations with 230 Models in a single unceasing fashion show.
Event Highlights

It was a staggering experience to host such an event, and winning the awards paid it all. Here is a quick rewind of this mega event.

VIBES 360° Brand Runway Fashion show;
  • Duration of the Event: 25hr 10min
  • 357 designers on-board
  • 1200+ garments were showcased
  • 200+ models
  • 1500 + volunteers
  • 200+ makeup artist participated.
Event Highlights

Once again we are grateful to all our designers, stylists, Models who sprinkled their styling magic on the runway and made this show a creativity blockbuster. We would also like to thank our Judging panel for their enthusiasm and support.

Thank you, everyone, for all your co-operation and commitment. This Success would never have been a possible without your support.

Guiness World Records
Unique World Records
Guiness World Records
Unique World Records

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